Welcome Move From CBSE


CBSE is always in the news for different reasons. One day they will come out with a change in the exam pattern and another day they will give fresh guidelines to the schools to be implemented. Parents, schools and students are always in a state of tension regarding CBSE’s frequent changes in their rules and regulations. But this academic year has seen a sensible decision from the board by introducing daily period for sports from class 9 to 12. With the boom in technology, life has become much more sedentary for us, and children face the worst brunt of this. To prevent students from turning into couch potatoes, the CBSE has issued sports guidelines to schools. This can help in the overall mental and physical development of the students.  A recent study by UN has pointed out that obesity in school students are increasing due to their concentration only on academics. And  India has the second highest number of obese children in the world as per 2017 data. This decision has come at the right time when the new generation children are going through a stressful life with lot of exam pressure and coping up with that in a competitive scenario. Since the board kept it mandatory for students to play daily, teachers can also keep a track of their students’ mental and physical health. Engaging in sports activities can increase the confidence and concentration power of students and that will help to improve their academic performance in school. Many are of the opinion that Yoga and Meditation should also be implemented as a part of curriculum to reduce the exam stress of students. At least 10 minutes of yoga and meditation in the morning can help them in a long way. This will help the students to mould a strong character and will also help them to face the difficulties with a bold and positive attitude . That will be right decision to mould a better new generation.


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