Alarming Air Pollution Death in Children


World around is choking with air pollution and 90% of world’s children breath toxic air. The recent WHO report on air pollution is really alarming and steps should be taken immediately to reduce the killer pollution. WHO in its recent report finds out that every day around 93% of the world’s children under the age of 15 years (1.8 billion children) breathe air that is so polluted which puts their health and development at serious risk. Tragically, many of them die: WHO estimates that 600,000 children died from acute lower respiratory infections caused by polluted air in 2016. When pregnant women are exposed to polluted air, they are more likely to give birth prematurely, and have small, low birth-weight children. Air pollution also impacts neurodevelopment and cognitive ability and can trigger asthma, and childhood cancer. Children who have been exposed to high levels of air pollution may be at greater risk for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease later in life. One reason why children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution is that they breathe more rapidly than adults and so absorb more pollutants. They also live closer to the ground, where some pollutants reach peak concentrations – at a time when their brains and bodies are still developing. So what can be done about this ?We need to keep a close look at the factors pertaining to air pollution. Now a days technology is so advanced and people are more likely to commute by motor cars which can be minimized and people should depend more on public transport system. Many top cities in the world have already implemented this . Now New Delhi ,the capital of India is in the grip of severe pollution and children are facing lot of health hazards due to this. When the government authorities are busy talking about clean India why are they forgetting about clean air, water and food. Children are the future of a nation and if we deprive them the basic needs the entire nation will suffer. Now Diwali , the festival of lights and crackers is round the corner and the government should take necessary steps to check the unnecessary bursting of noise and air polluting crackers . After all our children’s health should be a matter of serious concern.


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