Barack Obama’s Memoir Praises Manmohan Singh

Barack Obama and Dr. Manmohan Singh
Barack Obama and Dr. Manmohan Singh

Barack Obama’s comments in his memoir “A Promised Land”, about Dr. Manmohan Singh as a man of unusual wisdom was widely discussed in the media and the political circle.  

Obama’s account of his India visit in the book – which covers his campaign for the White House and his first term between 2008 and 2012 – also underscores his concern about “divisive nationalism touted by the BJP”.

Noting India’s transition to a more market-based economy in the 1990s, which, he says, led to soaring growth, a tech boom, and a rising middle class, Obama writes: “As a chief architect of India’s economic transformation, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh seemed like a fitting emblem of this progress: a member of the tiny, often persecuted Sikh religious minority who’d risen to the highest office in the land, and a self-effacing technocrat who’d won people’s trust not by appealing to their passions but by bringing about higher living standards and maintaining a well-earned reputation for not being corrupt.”

He says the time he spent with Manmohan Singh confirmed his initial impression of him as a man of “uncommon wisdom and decency.”


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