Now Party Time with Kingfisher Instant Beer


Having fun and partying around is life’s happiest moments and that too with a chilled beer this summer adds the spice to it. Kingfisher ,one of the largest manufacturers of Beer in India have found out from the consumers that storage and carrying beer for a party is the most inconvenient thing one can face. It also takes that extra space in the refrigerator. Keeping this in mind Kingfisher has launched Kingfisher Instant Beer which is now available for tasting. With its patented Freeze Dryingᵀᴹ technology, Kingfisher has introduced sachets of beer powder that can be used to make instant beer with water-anytime, anywhere. It aims to make sure that consumers no longer have to fight for space in the fridge for beer bottles before a house party.

It’s quiet unbelievable . Right? But it’s true . Now you just have to store sachets instead of bottles. Just mix it with cold water and get instant beer. Wonderful. No? Then try this new technology.


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