Prince Charles Turns 70

prince charles turns 70th birthday Party
prince charles turns 70th birthday Party

It’s celebration time for the birthday boy. Prince Charles , the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth turned 70 amidst great celebrations. He is attending both public as well as private parties to celebrate. To mark his birthday, he will attend a special tea party with 70 inspirational people who also turned 70 this year, before heading to a private function for friends and family hosted by the queen.

As Britain’s heir apparent, Charles has waited longer than any of his predecessors to become monarch and would be the oldest king in a lineage that dates back 1,000 years. Charles has used his position to campaign on issues including climate change, architecture and farming, often raising prescient concerns about the environment. A documentary was aired by BBC last week .

British Royal Family
British Royal Family

But his critics feel that Prince Charles is unnecessarily interfering into the governance of Britain .  The new photographs show Charles in the garden of his London home Clarence House together with his second wife Camilla, sons William and Harry, their wives Kate and Meghan along with William and Kate’s children, George, Charlotte and Louis.

When father turns 70 his children William and Harry feels that their father should spend more time with his grand children and they love to get him in the family more. Also they wished that he will be fit for ever and have more birthdays.


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