Apple Watch can Detect Irregular Heart Pulse Rates


Apple Inc has come out with a data showing that Apple Watch can detect irregular heart pulse rates that could signal the need for further monitoring for a serious heart rhythm problem. As per the data demonstrated ,a potential future role for wearable consumer technology in healthcare is highlighted.

This early detection can always help people with prevention of stroke and heart attack . Results of the largest AF screening and detection study, involving over 400,000 Apple Watch users who were invited to participate, were presented at the American College of Cardiology meeting in New Orleans. Of the 400,000 participants, 0.5 percent, or about 2,000 subjects, received notifications of an irregular pulse. Those people were sent an ECG (electrocardiography) patch to wear for subsequent detection of atrial fibrillation episodes. A third of those whose watches detected an irregular pulse were confirmed to have atrial fibrillation using the ECG technology, researchers said. Some 84 percent of the irregular pulse notifications were later confirmed to have been AF episodes, data showed.


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