My Dreams

happy children's day
happy children's day
By. Pelagia Teresa Fernandez

“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.” – Walt Streightiff.

I’m a child, I’ve hopes and dreams,

Give me power and I’ll cross the streams.

I stretch out my arms, the horizon I see,

I’ve tried to reach it beyond the sea.

There are those who dream on my behalf!

A doctor? An Engineer? I’d just laugh.

‘Cause I’ve better dreams, you now can see,

I’ve my own talents, please let me be me!

I muse on those friends down on the streets,

No room, no studies, no, nothing to eat.

What’s that child’s dream with no shoes on his feet?

From my window sill, I ponder, I peep.

Let’s reach out to our children, downtrodden and sick,

Empowering them with education and care.

I believe they’d be more Einsteins and discoverers,

Rising out of those dusty streets, to rule….advise,

And maybe change the world for better!



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