National Disaster Management Plan- The Real Truth Behind It.


The centre has denied the financial assistance offer of UAE, Maldives, Thailand and many other countries and also the help offer of the United Nations on the grounds that there is no law in India to take foreign and UN aid to manage a disaster. The central government should not say blatant lies at least to a state like Kerala where 100 percent literacy is there. The National Disaster Management Plan made in 2016 clearly states that India can take foreign assistance and UN aid to handle a disaster.
Excerpts from the National Disaster Management Policy 2016
9.2 Accepting Foreign Assistance As a matter of policy, the Government of India does not issue any appeal for foreign assistance in the wake of a disaster. However, if the national government of another country voluntarily offers assistance as a goodwill gesture in solidarity with the disaster victims, the Central Government may accept the offer. The Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India is required to coordinate with the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, which is primarily responsible for reviewing foreign offers of assistance and channelizing the same. In consultation with the concerned State Government, the MHA will assess the response requirements that the foreign teams can provide.
9.3 Accepting Multilateral Assistance In the case of an offer of assistance from UN Agencies, the India will accept the offer only if the government considers it necessary, based on various factors. If accepted, Government of India will issue directions to the respective Ministry or State Government to coordinate with the concerned UN agency. Any financial assistance offered by UN financial institutions involving foreign exchange will require the approval of the Department of Economic Affairs, GoI. India will allow UN agencies and international NGOs already operating in the country at the time of the disaster event to continue their humanitarian assistance to people in the affected area in coordination with the relevant Central Ministries/Departments and the State Government as per applicable norms and protocols.


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