Today is another chance make yourself proud


Being a mother and an educationist, it has been my dream to reach out to the youth of India as I believe that responsible youth contribute to a brighter and strong Nation.Over the period, interacting with youngsters gave me the realisation that negative thinking and stress are the biggest enemy in the way of self development.Management of stress is an attainable and realistic goal that can be achieved by a number of techniques.

Let us discuss about CONGNITIVE RESTRUCTURING now


(Monitoring and Analysing Dysfunctional Thoughts)

Eg.people are biased towards me..this particular thought results in    fear, anger. If a student performed poorly for examination, automatic thought that is going to arise in his or her mind is that I didn’t do well which ends up in a core belief that I am stupid.


I didn’t do my best in this particular subject but I have given my good performance in the past. My over all performance level for this subject is good. I am not the smartest person around, but there are certainly people doing worse than me. This specific area is harder for me, I do better in other things. I did not prepare well in this examination. I will definitely work on my flaws and give a better performance next time.


1.All or Not Thinkiiris2ng: You look at things in absolute, Black and White Categories.

2.Overgeneralisation: You view a negative event as a never ending pattern of defeat.

3.Mental Filter: You dwell on the Negatives and Ignore positives.

4.Discounting the positives: You insist that your accomplishments or positive qualities “don’t count”.

5.Jumping to Conclusions:  (A)Mind Reading- You Assume that people are reacting Negatively to you when there is no definite evidence for this.(B)Fortune Telling- You arbitarily predict that things will turn out badly.

6.Emotional Reasoning:  You Reason from How you feel.”I feel like an idiot,so I really must be one.or “I don’t feel like doing this,so I”ll put off.”

7.”Should Statements”We tend to criticise other people with “shoulds” or Shouldn’ts”. Musts, oughts, and have tos” are similar offenders.

8.Labelling: You identify with your shortcomings instead of saying “I made a mistake”. You tell yourself,”I am a Jerk or a fool or a loser.

9.Personalisation and Blame: You blame yourself for something you were not entirely responsible for ,or you blame other people and overlook ways that your own attitude and behaviour might contribute to a problem.


STEP ONE: Identify the upsetting situation. Describe the event or problem that’s upsetting you.  Who (or what) are you feeling unhappy about?

STEP TWO:  Record your negative feelings. How do you feel about the upsetting situation?Identify the feeling.

STEP THREE: Record your automatic thoughts. Tune into the negative thoughts that are associated with these feelings. Pay attention to what are you saying to yourself about the problem.

STEP FOUR: Analyse these thoughts using one of the Checklist of  Cognitive Distortions”.The analysis should point out how your automatic thoughts are unfair,unrealistic,or irrational.

STEP FIVE: Construct the realistic and balanced thoughts using one of the Ways to untwist your Thinking. Realistic negative aspect of the situation and then a realistic positive consideration of the situation.

STEP SIX:  Evaluate the restructuring process.Rate the degree to which you believe the reconstructed thoughts. Is it higher than your belief in the distorted automatic thoughts? Are they less intense than originally? If you are still not satisfied, return to step four.

“Think Positively,Work Hard,Worry Less ,Read more and be Happy

By Iris Maju .Mrs India World 2015.


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