Good News from CBSE for Class X Students

CBSE Mathematics
Good News from CBSE for Class X Students

Introduction of Two Levels of Mathematics for All India Secondary School Examination from the Academic Session ending March, 2020 onwards

NCF 2005, Position Paper by National Focus Group on Examination Reforms states that – just as we allow students and schools, some element of choice in the choosing of their subjects, they should have the choice of picking one of two levels within that subject. As per NCF, not only would the two levels of examinations cater for different kinds of learners and allow different levels of testing, it would also reduce overall student stress levels. It is well known that students experience greatest stress before and during their most ‘difficult’ subject exam. Keeping in view of this important aspect and as evidenced by the Board results, the Board has decided to introduce two levels of examination in Mathematics for the students who are going to appear in the Board examination for the academic session ending March 2020 onwards. The details of this scheme are as under :

The two levels of Examination will be held in the subject of Mathematics in the Board examination for Class X in the year 2020 and the same shall not be applicable to the internal assessment in class X.

There shall not be two levels of Assessment/Examination for class IX. First level would be the same as the existing one, and the other would be an easier level.

The nomenclature for the two Examinations will be; Mathematics-Standard for the existing level of examination, and Mathematics-Basic for the easier level of examination.

The syllabus, class room teaching and internal assessment for both the levels of examination would remain the same; so that the students get an opportunity to study the whole range of topics throughout the year and are able to decide upon the level of Board examination depending upon their aptitude and abilities.

The Standard level will be meant for students who wish to opt for Mathematics at Sr. Secondary level and the Basic level would be for students not keen to pursue Mathematics at higher levels.

A student will have the right to choose between the two levels of Examination at the time of submission of List of Candidates (LoC) by the affiliated school to the Board online.

In case student fails at any level of Mathematics, he/she can appear at the compartment examination as per norms of the Board according to the options given below: In case of failure in Compartment options

In case of failure in Compartment options
Mathematics -Basic Mathematics-Basic
Mathematics-Standard Mathematics Standard or Mathematics- Basic

A student who qualifies the Mathematics-Basic, shall be given an option to appear in Mathematics-Standard at the time of Compartment exams as per norms of the Board, in case he/she changes his/her mind to pursue Mathematics at Senior Secondary level.

Design for both the levels of question papers as per curriculum for the academic session ending March 2020 onwards will be made available on in due course of time. Detailed guidelines regarding the filling up of List of Candidates (LOC) for the examination in 2020 shall be issued separately to the affiliated schools at the time of filling up of LOC.


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