KFL to roll out Surakshith on International Women’s day


Aimed at promoting menstrual cups (M-Cups) among government school children in the 13-17 age group, state-owned Kerala Feeds Limited (KFL) will roll out its new scheme, ‘Surakshith’, which would benefit over 15,000 girl students in select schools.

Coinciding with International Women’s Day on March 8, Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development Minister Smt J. Chinchurani will officially announce the scheme, which is conceived as part of KFL’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives for FY 2021-2022, said KFL’s CSR Chairman Shri K Sreekumar.

Through the scheme Surakshith, KFL, in collaboration with HLL Lifecare Limited (HLL), intends to distribute 15,000 small-sized M-Cups to students of classes 8-12 in select government schools in the state by the end of this month.

These flexible M-Cups, made of medical grade silicone and shaped like a bell, are considered to be an environment-friendly, sustainable, and cost-effective alternative to sanitary napkins. Besides providing 6 to 8 hours of protection, these leakage and odour-free M-Cups can be reused for up to 10 years.


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