Netflix Streams Educational Documentaries on YouTube for Free


For many years, Netflix has allowed teachers to screen documentaries in their classrooms. However, this isn’t possible with schools closed. So at their request, the streaming company have made a selection of documentary features and series available on the Netflix US YouTube channel.
Each title also has educational resources available, which can be used by both students and teachers – and Netflix will be doing Q&As with some of the creators behind these projects so that students can hear from them first hand.
These documentaries are currently available in English. Subtitles in more than a dozen languages will be available later this week. Also if you are a parent or teacher, please check the ratings so that you can make informed choices for your students and children.
The move comes as the coronavirus outbreak has forced educational institutions to shut down, and confined millions of students to their homes, compelling schools and colleges to tap virtual tools to keep the classes running.
The decision to make some content free on YouTube is a rare exception to Netflix’s marketing strategy, which otherwise charges a monthly subscription fee from users to avail its services.


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