Vitamin D Helps in Lowering Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

    Vitamin D
    Vitamin D Gel caps

    Vitamin D is well known for bone health.  A new study conducted in Brazil found out that vitamin D also may promote greater insulin sensitivity, thus lowering glucose levels and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

    Other recent studies have shown a clear relationship between vitamin D and glycemic control, suggesting that vitamin D increases insulin sensitivity and improves pancreatic beta-cell function.

    In this cross-sectional study involving 680 Brazilian women aged 35 to 74 years, the goal was to evaluate the possible association between vitamin D deficiency and increased glycemia.

    “Although a causal relationship has not been proven, low levels of vitamin D may play a significant role in type 2 diabetes mellitus,” says Dr. JoAnn Pinkerton, NAMS executive director. “Vitamin D supplementation may help improve blood sugar control, but intervention studies are still needed.”


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