Golden rules for health


Health is wealth

By Roopa George, Entrepreneur &Social activist

When we talk about health it’s not attained in a single day. It can be achieved by controlling and balancing body, mind and spirit. Good health and good sense are the two great and most important blessings of our life

Golden rules for health

We  must do proper exercise to enjoy health.

We must discipline and control our  mind.

We must love ourselves to lead a healthy life
Drink plenty of water everyday
Think positive and accept the reality

Always keep your mind happy and calm.

Go for a restricted and controlled diet.

Try to eat plenty of leafy vegetables and salads for breakfast and lunch.
Reduce the portions and eat only three meals

Reduce the intake of  sugar ,fried and spicy  food and pickles

Instead go for fiber rich food.

The baby cucumber is excellent for digestion, Have a cucumber daily.

Try to grow your own vegetables.

Always go for an early dinner  before 7pm

It helps you for an easy digestion  and you will get a sound sleep..

I suggest to take 4 or 5 gooseberries daily for immunity and to strengthen the body
Spread happiness around you and reach out to people who are in need.
The more you lift others you help yourself to grow with dignity.
Do not skip breakfast ,include fresh juice, low fat milk or flavoured yoghurt in your daily diet.



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